10 years, 3 months ago.

Script to export sources

Hi all,

Is there any python script which can export mbed library sources to specific toolchain so that debugging libraries becomes easy? The sources referred here are from mbed official repo.

Regards Nitin

Update : "project.py" is the answer to the question above.

I dont fully undestand, can you elaborate more? Have you looked at https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed. There are scripts which exports projects (with precompiled lib or sources). tHey create a copy of files.

posted by Martin Kojtal 04 Sep 2014

I am working on mini project generators, which generate a project with provided file structure, so debugging/changing is actually on files within the project. They allow you to customize the project for your needs as well the sources (for example mbed SDK + any component you add there) . And everything offline. It's still in development, thus I appreciate any feedback.


posted by Martin Kojtal 04 Sep 2014
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