10 years, 6 months ago.

Issue with Wiz550io and Http echo back server

Hi all,

I am currently doing some tests with Wiz550io and a LPC1768.

More preceisely i try this program : https://mbed.org/teams/EthernetInterfaceW5500-makers/code/HTTPServer_echoback_WIZ550io/

Which is a version of the Http echo back server for the W5500.

Everything works well but only 7 times ! i can send 7 times a GET request (which succeed) and during the next request the MBED hang.

Do somebody have an idea to help to investigate ?

Best regards.


posted by Patrick Pollet 29 Aug 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 6 months ago.

There was a bug in socket::close() (socket.cpp) of EthernetInterfaceW5500 the code was

int Socket::close()
    // add this code refer from EthernetInterface.
    _sock_fd = -1;
    return (eth->close(_sock_fd))? 0 : -1;

which is .... strange. i replaced it by :

int Socket::close()
    // add this code refer from EthernetInterface.
    int res;
    res = eth->close(_sock_fd);
    _sock_fd = -1;
    return (res)? 0 : -1;

and now it works well

Accepted Answer

good job~ :)

posted by Bongjun Hur 23 Sep 2014

Assigned to Patrick Pollet 10 years, 6 months ago.

This means that the question has been accepted and is being worked on.