11 years, 10 months ago.

[betatesting] Problems with notebook page editing

Dear readers,

i've encountered a problem with editing pages using the new beta, when i'm inside the editing window and move the mouse outside the box (and click just anywhere, like for scrolling or searching for something) a lot of times the scroll bars in the edit window change position, making it hard for me to find/return to the spot were is was editing...

I've seen this behavior in other wiki's as well, and find it very anoying.

This does not happen in the current wiki editor.

With kind regards,

Ted Camu

Can you let us know what browser and OS you are using.

posted by Stephen Paulger 19 Feb 2013

Sorry Stephen,

The betatest was done using: - Internet Explorere V8.0.6001 - Windows XP professional-SP3

posted by Ted Camu 21 Feb 2013
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