10 years, 6 months ago.

nucleo board op amps...how to use them...

Hi all. I have some nucleo boards l152 type with DAC. I would like to know how to use the on board op amp. I can't seem to find any info anywhere... Can anyone help me with this? Is there a library or any info you could point me to? Any help appreciated. Thanks. Steve.

1 Answer

10 years, 6 months ago.

I think there is no mbed lib up to now. You have to look into the datasheet and puzzle the config bits, but there is help from ST : Include the mbed-src lib. You can find the functions to use the op amp at : ... cmsis ... TARGET_NUCLEO_L152RE ... stm31l1xx_opamp.c and stm31l1xx_opamp.h
