10 years, 1 month ago.

Nordic nRF51822 - mbed SDK gcc support

I'm trying to build the blinky example program in the mbed SDK using gcc. I see several references to using gcc to develop for the nRF51822, and it looks like there is "almost" support in the mbed SDK, but from what I can tell it's not quite working.

I'm willing to help try to get this working, but I'm having trouble figuring out where exactly development on this is at. It looks like the pull request on the half working port was closed, apparently without resolution.

Does anyone have any recent status on this and any suggestions on what to try next?

Question relating to:

The nRF51822-mKIT is a low cost ARM mbed enabled development board for Bluetooth® Smart designs with the nRF51822 SoC. The kit gives access to all GPIO pins via pin headers …

I thought this would be placed under the Nordic nRF51822 forum, but it looks like all questions are lumped together... Is there any way to change the title?

posted by Brian Webb 05 Aug 2014

I edited your title. It was pushed to the repo as good resource to continue the effort.

You can create a new issue on github, the user who did the initial version might add their comments.

posted by Martin Kojtal 05 Aug 2014
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