10 years, 6 months ago.

Compiler error 230

I have a fairly complex program that I've been working on for a while. USB, SPI memory, mbed-rtos etc. The program is broken into a main and several .cpp and .h files. It was compiling fine, I changed one variable assignment (from 0xFD to 0xFE) and now every time I compile I get:

The build system did not finish successfully. Error 230.

That is the only error. I've reloaded the page, closed and open the project, changed that assignment back to 0xFD still the same. Other projects compile just fine. Has anyone seen this before?

I am having the same problem, and it is not just for one platform. Some projects compile and build others not... LPC1768 and LPC4088.

posted by Austin Gosling 31 Jul 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 6 months ago.

Hello Eric,

We were experiencing a regression on the beta servers which you were using. This should now be fixed. Thanks for reporting it.


Accepted Answer

Great, fixed now. Thanks for the quick response Mihail.

posted by Eric Lieser 31 Jul 2014

I have the same issue with my compiler, giving "The build system did not finish successfully." Do you know of any issues at this time?

posted by Raj Patel 11 Nov 2014

Hi, I am getting the same error too, sound to me the server is down.

posted by Black Cat 11 Nov 2014

i face in same problem at now( "The build system did not finish successfully" error 230 )

posted by anura dissanayake 11 Nov 2014

Assigned to -deleted- 10 years, 6 months ago.

This means that the question has been accepted and is being worked on.