10 years, 7 months ago.

Compile errors when using pulsewidth_ticks on LPC1768

I get two compile errors from FastPWM on LPC1768:

Error: Expression must have class type in "FastPWM/Device/FastPWM_LPC1768.cpp", Line: 12, Col: 7 Error: Expression must have class type in "FastPWM/Device/FastPWM_LPC1768.cpp", Line: 13, Col: 27

This is in FastPWM::pulsewidth_ticks. I imagine it is a quick fix.


Question relating to:

Erik - / FastPWM Featured
Library that allows for higher resolution and speed than standard mbed PWM library using same syntax (drop-in replacement). pwm, resolution, Speed

1 Answer

10 years, 7 months ago.


Which code are you using in your main.cpp? And do you have the latest version of FastPWM? (Right mouse button on the lib, click update). Also latest version of regular mbed lib? (Not that I see how that could cause this).

I just checked it in a test program, and I don't get compilation errors. Assuming updating the libs doesn't fix it, and you don't have special code in your main, could you publish your code and post a link here? Then I can import it and see if I can figure out the issue.


Must have been out of date mbed library. Its been a while since I was on, and I just copied one of my old projects to start from. Compiles fine now. Sorry for the false alarm!

Thanks, Ralph

posted by Ralph Stirling 29 Jul 2014

np, glad it works :)

posted by Erik - 29 Jul 2014