11 years, 10 months ago.

Did anyone else's USB code stop working recently

Very odd. I had some working code, made a minor change and now the USB thumbdrive won't detect. I undid my edit and still no love. However, when I pulled an old bin (1week ago) from my recycle bin and uploaded that it works fine. Did anything change in the last few days? Anyone else running into new problems with old good code?

2 Answers

Tick Tock
11 years, 10 months ago.

Flakey wiring was my problem (I assume). It is now working for me with new compiled versions.

Accepted Answer
11 years, 10 months ago.

Hello Luke Johnson,

Even I am facing the same problem,but my USB drive is detected,Host is initialised by it the list of files in USB mass storage device is not displayed. "Mbed" please help us out.


Prashanth Shetty prashanthshetty149@yahoo.com