10 years, 6 months ago.

uploading programs to mbed via android

Does anyone know how to upload programs to mbed via android and what I need to do it?

I have a moto g phone with android and I have compiled the program and have a .bin file in my downloads folder. I need to know where I go from here.

You have locked the ability to answer this question. But you need USB host functionality, and I don't think your moto g has that. Tablets will have that generally, phones not.

posted by Erik - 05 Jul 2014

Tried on Nexus 10, does not work, not even with root and OTG apps. (KK 4.4.4, CM11) The kit (kl46z) itself works and runs program in it, but tablet does not see it.

posted by Jimmy Rustle 05 Feb 2015

1 Answer

Anth Hunter
10 years, 5 months ago.

I tried using a USB to micro USB adaptor. The blue light turns on but mbed doesn't open on the phone. if anyone knows a way or finds a way please msg me on here.

Assigned to Anth Hunter 10 years, 6 months ago.

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