10 years, 6 months ago.

Damaged Nucleo MCU?

Hello, I'm making my first steps with stm32 and mbed. I have (had) Nucleo F401RE board and TFT_320QVT module (with SSD1289). Unfortunately I connected LCD VCC to U5V, so SSD1289 might be damaged as it's operating on 3.3v. It was connected only for few seconds and nothing was getting hot so I hope it survived.

Pinout was like in code I used:


#include "mbed.h"
#include "ssd1289.h"
BusOut dataBus( PC_9, PB_8, PB_9, PA_5, PA_6, PA_7, PB_6, PC_7, PA_9, PA_8, PB_10, PB_4, PB_5, PB_3, PA_10, PA_2 ); 
SSD1289_LCD lcd( PC_6, PC_5, PA_12, PA_11, &dataBus ); CS, RESET, RS, WR
int main()
    lcd.Print( "Hello, World!", CENTER, 25 ); 
       while ( 1 ) { }

Since then, also my Nucleo board stopped working. When I put new .bin file on it, it looks like binary is loaded but it's not executed. LED1(COM) and LED3(PWR) are on, but program is not executing (led blinking or pc.print).

1. How MCU could be damaged? Even if somewhere received from LCD 5v signal, it should handle it, I've read that Nucleo is 5v tolerant.

2. Or maybe it's not damaged, just blocked somehow (like Atmega with RESET pin reconfigured)?

Any ideas how could I check if MCU is damaged?

Get a basic program like hello world for your platform (go to the platform page, examples are in the right panel, or new program in the online IDE and it should show you all templates). Those should work out of the box.

posted by Martin Kojtal 02 Jul 2014

I've tried it already, program is not executed. Is there any option to check if ST-link is able to communicate with target MCU?

posted by Nick Brain 02 Jul 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 6 months ago.


Can you use IDE to test any example program from ST to confirm that you damaged your board. There should be a package with examples for various IDE. Does ST have own IDE? I have seen support for nucleo in CoIDE, uVision , IAR and others.

Or just use gdb where you can load/step your program to see what is going on. Look at openOCD which might be usable with nucleo boards (haven't tested it yet).


Thanks! After hard fight with toolchain I've flashed my Nucleo via openOCD. It blinks so it's alive! But still I'm unable to drag&drop .bin files from mbed online compiler. I've updated ST-Link firmware, but now uploading bin file ends with green LD1 lighted on and board is not rebooted.

posted by Nick Brain 03 Jul 2014