10 years ago.

How to add support for a Nulceo STM32F401 and FRDM-KL25Z boards

Hello, I'm very new to this stuff and wanted to add offline compiling for my boards. I've followed the instructions from Adam Green and GCC4MBED for a Mac 10.9 machine and want to add make files for my 2 boards. What do I need to change to do this and can I have different make files for different boards? Cheers Mike

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Hello Michael Bawden,

sidenote: KL25Z and also Nucleo F401RE support exporting to GCC ARM (Makefile project), so you can export a simple program which can serve as template.

I also created a makefile for some mbed platforms, you just need to get mbed sources (from github for example) and add your application. https://github.com/0xc0170/mbed_gcc_makefile

posted by Martin Kojtal 27 Jun 2014

So, if I understand you correctly, when I export a project to an offline IDE then a makefile comes over as well and can be used to compile the project in Eclipse without all the setting up that seems to be needed by say GCC4MBED? Can this export be used in Netbeans as well as I've heard good reports about it compared to Eclipse? Cheers Mike

posted by Michael Bawden 28 Jun 2014
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