11 years, 2 months ago.

API documentation and Library Class

I'd like to issue my library class for the Magnevation Motor Driver board but I'm a little hesitant and confused. My question relates to the Motor Class Reference.

The Public Member Functions in the class I have written are not the same as the original, so is it best to create a new Motor Class Reference as I'm concerned that I would overwrite the original library class? I think I'm confused with the "How to make updates to a library (or edit someone else's library) The last sentence states - Just import it (so I originally imported the Motor driver library), click edit library (I think I missed this point) and go nuts (which I did with lots of help from Erik and Wim! many thanks). The only difference is when you come to publish it, it'll publish under your libraries area rather than theirs.

How do I edit the library, if I right click the original library I've used I don't see edit as an option.

So I interpret this as it's ok to just publish as it will be in my own area and not overwrite an original?

Just like to check first.

Thank you.

2 Answers

11 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Derek,

Yes, you are correct. When you publish a library you have imported from someone else, you are effectively doing a fork and it will be republished as a new repository under your own code repositories area.

The only way you could publish back to the original library is if the owner gave you permission on their repository, and then you can push it back there.


Accepted Answer

Thanks Simon and Erik, I'll publish and be damned as they say :-)

posted by Derek Calland 11 Feb 2013
11 years, 2 months ago.

Unless the original author specifically added you as contributor to the library, you cannot overwrite someone elses library, even if you tried to. When you publish it, it will first ask if you want to create a new fork of the library (you want that), or overwrite the original. So even if you there choose to overwrite the original it will refuse to do it and create a fork instead.