10 years, 6 months ago.

Nucleo F103 external interrupts

Hi, Does the Nucleo F103 board support external interrupts on GPIOs? from gpio_irq_api.c, it looks like EXTI lines 5 to 9 and 10 to 15 are tied to 2 single interrupt handlers:

static void gpio_irq5(void) { handle_interrupt_in(5); EXTI lines 5 to 9 } static void gpio_irq6(void) { handle_interrupt_in(6); EXTI lines 10 to 15 }

Does this mean I can not have dedicated interrupts on 5 ~ 9 or 10 ~ 15 together?

Thanks Ashwin


It seems to me that you can't. You can also test it to find out. Share the outcome.


posted by Martin Kojtal 06 Jun 2014
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