10 years, 1 month ago.

Serial on ArchPro

I need to use the serial pins labelled p4_28 and p4_29 on an Arch Pro. What pin names do I pass to the serial constructor? This does not work:

Serial Serial1(p4_28, p4_29);

There seems to be a lot of basic information missing for this device - there is barely anything on the corresponding wiki....

2 Answers

10 years, 1 month ago.

Since you are trying to use P4_28 and P4_29, I assume you are working with an Arduino form factor shield. In that case, it is probably best to the Arduino pin names D1 and D0, this will give you the best compatibility if you ever want to port to another one of the Arduino form factor boards. P4_28 and P4_29 should also work if you capitalize the "P". The lower case "p" numbers are used to refer the the pin number in the original mbed pinout.

You can see all the pin name definitions and their aliases in the PinNames.h file.

Accepted Answer

Capitalizing the p made the difference, Thanks

posted by R S 25 May 2014
10 years, 1 month ago.

Not 100% sure, but I think you need to use a capital 'P'.