10 years, 7 months ago.

Using arduino syntax in frdm-kl25z

frdm-kl25z is arduino compatible. So, how to use the arduino programming syntax such as void loop(), void setup() etc in programming the frdm-kl25z micro-controller. Is there any IDE available for this?

most of platforms have arduino compatible headers, which means you can top them with many shields. Programming on mbed is similar (quite), but not same. Look at the blinky hello world program here, you will spot the difference. There could be written arduino layer on top of mbed API, which might happen in the future ;)

posted by Martin Kojtal 19 May 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 7 months ago.

Use it like this:

int main(){

// setup(){

// init code in here


while(1){  // loop(){

// Looping code here


You put all code in the main(){..}-block, the setup on top and the looping code inside a while(1){...}.

Thank you Mr.Fischer. I would be happy if you tell me where can i learn the frdm coding from the internet. Please send me a link.

posted by Nirmal Kumar 27 May 2014