10 years, 8 months ago.

using st nucleo without pc

Hi to all, i write a simple program for my ST Nucleo L152RE now i have this question, when i insert the my nucleo to the pc with usb cable all work well, but if i insert the nucleo to my usb battery charger the program don't work, i read the manual but i don't understan nothing.

can you help me?

best regards j.

You can put jumper on JP1 (leave jumper on U5V!) and use normal USB charger. It works without enumeration.

posted by Stanislav Danilovich 17 Jan 2016

1 Answer

10 years, 8 months ago.

Set the jumper near the reset button to E5V and use the E5V pin to supply the circuit with 5V. The USB port supply the debugger, but without enumeration it will not start the nucleo board.

Accepted Answer