10 years, 7 months ago.

mBed RTOS for STM32F103RB

Hi everyone,

I've been writing code for my mBed LPC1768 using mbed RTOS. It works great.

I've now tried to move onto the ST Nucleo F103RB. However, the compiler is throwing back errors:

<<quote>> Error: #error directive: "no target defined" in "Libraries/mbed-rtos/rtx/RTX_Conf_CM.c", Line: 59, Col: 6 <</quote>> I tried to replace all references to STM32F100RB with STM32F103RB, but then I get linker errors relating to undefined symbols in ios.o.

Digging around, it looks like the STM32F103RB does not have mbed RTOS support yet. Am I correct? When can we expect mbed RTOS for the STM32F103RB?

While I love my LPC1768, I would love for RTOS to work on the STM32F103RB since I've got a few boards collecting dust here :)


Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller.

Yes, it's not yet supported.

I don't recall the two files you are supposed to edit to add a new target, but following errors you get, you should be able to add that new target there and test it. The best would be to go to the mbedmicro github account, and add this target there and send a pull request.

posted by Martin Kojtal 02 May 2014

Is it now supported ?

posted by Thierry L 01 Jan 2015

I don't think that something will be change with this target before the STM32CubeF1 library is submitted.

posted by Olaf Hagendorf 02 Jan 2015

1 Answer

6 years, 7 months ago.

Hi! Any news about STM32F100RB? I've got one and 'd like to use it if it work well.

Thanks a lot

I'm also very interested for the STM32F100RB compatibility with arm mbed! Nobody would be able to make this microcontroller available?

Thank you! Best regards Daniele

posted by Daniele Dal Santo 04 Jun 2018