10 years, 2 months ago.

Nucleo Printf - Import Program

Hi all, the above program that I imported fails to compile.....any ideas? I am using the Nucleo F401RE and the other example programs that I have tried compile and run ok. I have tried the regular and beta versions of the compiler. I am running the latest firmware.....V2.J20.M4 JTAG+MBed Debugger I have also tried substituting Serial_TX and Serial_RX with PA_2 and PA_3. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks.


Schoolboy error!............I did not have the correct platform selected, I had mbed selected and not the Nucleo.......DOH!

posted by Paul McCarthy 30 Apr 2014

Set this question as answered . Thanks

posted by Martin Kojtal 01 May 2014
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Assigned to Paul McCarthy 10 years, 2 months ago.

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