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10 years, 11 months ago.
Novice question: best micro-controller for specific use, hobby project, advice needed
I have a home automation system that uses Raspberry Pi as it's center and web server. Peripheral devices are Arduino Nano boards, connected to the main system using uart over bluetooth ssp connection. For the new devices I plan to use uart over Wifi as I have come close to bluetooth piconet device limit and wifi modems are a lot cheaper then some time ago (Hi-Link HLK-RM04).
In our building we have an front door intercom system (old and analog). I would like the microcontroller board to digitize the communication and send it to a recipient (android phone) over wifi and to convert received communication to analog to interface with the rest of analog system. I also need to have a small channel for data (serial or other), so I can send electric lock command from the phone. The android application will be developed by a friend. I do not need high quality audio transmission, phone quality 64bit 22khz should be more then enough. I have been informed that Arduino boards are not suited for that kind of use, but could not find what characteristics should the controller device have.
Advantageous are products with lower price that are simple to work with. Can you help?
I have found a device that looks simple enough to work with: LPC1768, but I do not know if it is an overkill performance-wise? I would go for an overkill if I would be able to interface the device with a camera and show the signal on a lcd in addition to before mentioned functions.
Thankful in advance, SaleB
1 Answer
10 years, 11 months ago.
Have a look at the solder splash wifi-dip-cortex,
this has an M3 version of the LPC11U24 - the yellow MBED, and the CC3000 WiFi module,
I must admit I have not managed to get it to work as Wi-Fi, but we have a secure network in work.
Should be a good fit for you'r application