10 years, 8 months ago.

flash.flashBinary fails for KL05Z

I'm trying to flash a binary via pyOCD, which fails:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-e024a89cc49b> in <module>()
----> 1 flash.flashBinary('/Users/farcaller/Downloads/frdm_tsi_slider_KL05Z.bin')

/Users/farcaller/temp/pyOCD/pyOCD/flash/flash.pyc in flashBinary(self, path_file)
    118                 nb_bytes += len(bytes_read)
    119                 # page download
--> 120                 self.programPage(flashPtr, bytes_read)
    121                 """
    122                 i = 0

/Users/farcaller/temp/pyOCD/pyOCD/flash/flash.pyc in programPage(self, flashPtr, bytes)
     84         # first transfer in RAM
---> 85         self.target.writeBlockMemoryUnaligned8(self.begin_data, bytes)
     87         # update core register to execute the program_page subroutine

/Users/farcaller/temp/pyOCD/pyOCD/target/cortex_m.pyc in writeBlockMemoryUnaligned8(self, addr, data)
    485             logging.debug("write blocks aligned at 0x%X, size: 0x%X", addr, (size/4)*4)
    486             data32 = byte2word(data[idx:idx + (size & ~0x03)])
--> 487             self.writeBlockMemoryAligned32(addr, data32)
    488             addr += size & ~0x03
    489             idx += size & ~0x03

/Users/farcaller/temp/pyOCD/pyOCD/target/cortex_m.pyc in writeBlockMemoryAligned32(self, addr, data)
    517             if size*4 < n:
    518                 n = (size*4) & 0xfffffffc
--> 519             self.transport.writeBlock32(addr, data[:n/4])
    520             data = data[n/4:]
    521             size -= n/4

/Users/farcaller/temp/pyOCD/pyOCD/transport/cmsis_dap.pyc in writeBlock32(self, addr, data)
    156         self.writeAP(AP_REG['CSW'], CSW_VALUE | CSW_SIZE32)
    157         self.writeAP(AP_REG['TAR'], addr)
--> 158         dapTransferBlock(self.interface, len(data), WRITE | AP_ACC | AP_REG['DRW'], data)
    159         return

/Users/farcaller/temp/pyOCD/pyOCD/transport/cmsis_dap_core.pyc in dapTransferBlock(interface, count, request, data, dap_index)
    235         tmp = interface.read()
    236         if tmp[0] != COMMAND_ID['DAP_TRANSFER_BLOCK'] or tmp[3] != 0x01:
--> 237             raise ValueError('DAP_TRANSFER_BLOCK response error')
    238         size_transfer = tmp[1] | (tmp[2] << 8)
    239         resp.extend(tmp[4:4+size_transfer*4])

ValueError: DAP_TRANSFER_BLOCK response error

The whole I/O dump: https://gist.github.com/farcaller/913745e7695ee9b04512

After this I cannot upload apps via "usb flash" interface as well, the only way to "unbrick" the board is to reflash it to original bootcode and then flash mbed bootcode back.

Any hints?

Question relating to:

The FRDM-KL05Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform enabled by the Kinetis L Series KL0x MCU family built on the ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor. Features include easy access to MCU I/O, battery-ready, …

Hello Vladimir,

how can I replicate this on my KL05Z? Do you use gdb or just a script like provided examples? Can you sahre with me, I can look at it..


posted by Martin Kojtal 01 Apr 2014

Not using gdb, just the python console:

from pyOCD.board import MbedBoard

import logging

board = MbedBoard.chooseBoard()

where frdm_tsi_slider_KL05Z.bin is generated from the mbed example code for slider.

I hacked up my ctypes wrapper around IOKit for hid, but exactly the same problem happens on linux with libusb (also, my wrapper works well with lpc1768, so it souldn't be an issue).

posted by Vladimir Pouzanov 01 Apr 2014
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