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10 years, 11 months ago.
Communication Problem
I am having a big problem at the moment when I try to communicate over serial.
the error is when I start up the mbeds, i need to start them at the same time or they will not communicate with each other. the code below is trying to detect a connection between them by sending a '#' using a master slave relationship. Mbed 1 listens for a # and when it receives it sends one back. Mbed 2 sends it until a # is received then stops (yes i know it doesn't stop as of yet but im trying to get them to speak).
Depending on which mbed starts first will decide if mbed 1 revives a # and mbed 2 doesn't get one back OR nothing is ouputted to the console. The clincher is if i set up a basic program to take char from pc and send it to over the serial xbee, reflect it back and read it into the pc it works without problems.
Mbed 1:
//Declerations - General Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx Serial xbee(p13,p14); //Initalise xbee_lib# DigitalOut rst(p12); //Variables bool linked = false; //Functions //Make Link To Controller void makeLink(){ char c; while(linked == false){ if(xbee.readable()){ pc.printf("read"); c = xbee.getc(); if(c == '#'){ pc.printf("#"); } } } } //Init Function void init(){ pc.baud(9600); pc.printf(">Program Starting\r\n"); rst = 0; wait_ms(1); rst = 1; wait_ms(1); wait(1); pc.printf(">Communication Ready\r\n"); makeLink(); } //Main Function int main() { init(); }
Mbed 2:
//Declerations - General Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx Serial xbee(p9,p10); //Initalise xbee_lib DigitalOut rst(p8); //Variables bool linked = false; //Functions //Make Link To Controller void makeLink(){ while(linked == false){ xbee.putc('#'); pc.printf("run"); wait(1); char c; if(xbee.readable()){ pc.printf("read"); c = xbee.getc(); if(c == '#'){ pc.printf("#"); } } } } //Init Function void init(){ pc.baud(9600); pc.printf(">Program Starting\r\n"); rst = 0; wait_ms(1); rst = 1; wait_ms(1); wait(1); pc.printf(">Communication Ready\r\n"); makeLink(); } //Main Function int main() { init(); }
I hope this is clear but if it isnt ill try to explain better.
Thanks, Nick
1 Answer
10 years, 11 months ago.
Mbed 1 is only receiving. It waits for a #, prints it on the PC and waits for the next #.
Mbed 2 is first sending a #, then checks to see if anything has been received, checks that for a #, prints it, sends the next #.
Problem is that Mbed 1 never sends a #...