10 years, 8 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Thank you

mbed HDK

Hello, In the schematic of the HDK i found not connection between IC2 Pin 18 to IC4 pin 1.(TGT_SWO). Is it a mistake in the schematic or not required ? If I make my own board, how can I program the LPC11U35 so I can flat the LPC1768 via the USB port ? Sorry for my bad english... Bernd

The LPC11U35 is programmed using it's built in USB ISP which is activated by holding down one of the buttons at startup (sorry can't remember which one). I have used the HDK schematic to build my own mbed enabled hardware and the programming works fine for both LPC11U35 and LPC1768

posted by Rob Cawsey 19 Feb 2014

If you are interested heres a link to my prototype based around the HDK, please note I have only used the CMSIS part of the HDK as I didn't need USB or ethernet connectivity.

Towards the bottom of the page you should find a link to a PDF of the schematic.


You will also need to build the binary for the LPC11U35 this question post should help you.


posted by Rob Cawsey 19 Feb 2014

Thank you very much.. I will read all this instructions.. Bernd

posted by Bernd Boemer 19 Feb 2014