10 years, 11 months ago.

Editing/adding sct file

I tried beta/normal mode, in Firefox. Currently, .sct file can't be created in the online compiler (adding manualy from the external storage is functional). There are just few filenames supported. .ld and .icf are missing there.

I am not able to edit it any linker command file (.scr, .ld, .icf) in the mbed-src. It opens in the online compiler but editing does not work for me. Can anybody confirm this?


Yep. Noticed the same thing. I am not able to get my edited .sct file into the online compiler no matter what I try (rename, import, new etc)

posted by Jonne Valola 26 Jul 2015

"adding manualy from the external storage is functional" ... wait. What do you mean by this ?

posted by Jonne Valola 26 Jul 2015

Aha !!! Drag and drop from Windows desktop to online compiler browser window worked. I now have the .sct file in place. Thanks !

posted by Jonne Valola 26 Jul 2015

Nope. Doesn't work. Dragging and dropping kills the online build: Error: Could not create output file '/build/offset_blinky_1347.LPC1347.bin': Is a directory

posted by Jonne Valola 26 Jul 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

I want to give a full answer, in case someone else is looking for it. Comments (for some reason) do not show up in my activity.

1) I am not able to edit other than standard C extension files in the online compiler

2) To change scatter (.sct) and startup (.S) file in mbed-src/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC13XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD I exported the files, edited them offline. I then deleted the files from the folder in the online compiler, and drag-and-dropped from windows filesystem to the folder in the online compiler.

3) Error: Could not create output file '/build/offset_blinky_1347.LPC1347.bin was caused by some screw-up in saving a copy of an earlier project. Renaming the project solved the problem.