10 years, 4 months ago.

Does the .NET RPC library work with .NET 3.5?

In https://mbed.org/cookbook/DotNET it says .NET 4.0 is required

Unfortunately I've got a potential customer where another library they're using works with 3.5 but not 4.0 (the perennial DLL hell).

Does anybody know if:

  • the RPC library will work with 3.5 (presumably not or that's what they would have said!)?
  • does it work with 3.5 with some limitations - if so what?
  • does SxS give any solution to this problem (I know about SxS DLLs but not how well they work with .NET)
  • is the source available to improve and/or fork - if so, does anybody have a feel for the problems in achieving compatibility with 3.5?

Thanks in advance for any (helpful) suggestions...

1 Answer

10 years, 4 months ago.

Having now investigated this, as far as I can tell the dependency on .NET v4.0 is small.

In the case of mbedrpc.zip (i.e. the original serial version), if you set the target version to v3.5 and remove the reference to the Microsoft.CSharp assembly, the library then builds.

In the case of mbedrpcwithhttp.zip (which is what I've tested) in HTTPRPC.cs you also have to comment out the handful of calls to Debug.WriteLine() using multiple arguments.

This then works and as far as I can tell is using the v3.5 libraries.

Accepted Answer