10 years, 5 months ago.

ZACwire communication

Hi, I'm working on my final year project, and I need a temperature sensor in my project. I've looked at one on website, and that one uses ZACwire communication. Since I'm using mbed LPC1768, so can I ask which pin should I use if I would like to communicate with this sensor? Thanks, Tina.

I think two pins, aren't they. One for signal and one for power supply.

posted by Tianyi Xia 05 Feb 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 5 months ago.

Looks like no one used those before on mbed, so you will have to program it yourself. Since it doesn't use a standard communication protocol you can use any GPIO pin.

If you want something that should work with existing code, consider a DS18B20 sensor.

Accepted Answer

Thanks, that's what I'm looking for. And can I ask if there is any SSR with existing code?

posted by Tianyi Xia 06 Feb 2014

SSR as in solid state relais? You shouldn't really need code for that, since it should be simply high or low to switch it, depending on what you need. So DigitalOut should do (it might not be able to interface directly, but that depends on the SSR and you cannot do much about it in code).

posted by Erik - 06 Feb 2014