10 years, 5 months ago.

accelerometer data

please can anybody tell me if i can use the raw accelerometer data to get my angles without callibrating to 2g.Then when do i use 2g,4g,8g or 16g conversion.why do i need to convert it. i am using;

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "MPU6050.h" ............ mpu.getAcceleration(&axA,&ayA, &azA) to get my raw data.

3 Answers

10 years, 5 months ago.

The angles you get are independent on your full-scale signal, so you don't need to scale it to anything.

Accepted Answer
10 years, 5 months ago.


From two statements I cannot see your real problem.

Besides, from MPU6050's datasheet (p.10/52) you can read that:


Enhanced bias and sensitivity temperature stability reduces the need for user calibration

So, don't worry about recalibration.


Thanks,i read accelerometer data X= 800.00, Y= 432.00, and Z= 17248.00 when the accelerometer was placed on a horizontal surface. i know i need to multiply it by 1g/16384 which will change my data to 'g'. Then why am i using 2g and not 16g as the sensitivity or it depends on whatever i choose?

posted by Oyenike Adigun 05 Feb 2014
10 years, 5 months ago.

Thanks,i read accelerometer data X= 800.00, Y= 432.00, and Z= 17248.00 when the accelerometer was placed on a horizontal surface. i know i need to multiply it by 1g/16384 which will change my data to 'g'. Then why am i using 2g and not 16g as the sensitivity or it depends on whatever i choose?

With 16g you have larger range, but less sensitivity/accuracy. As long as you don't want to measure anything larger than 1.5g, there is no reason to put it on 16g. If you want to measure larger signals, then you need to put it in a 4/8/16g mode.

posted by Erik - 05 Feb 2014