10 years, 11 months ago.

Export to GCC: No linker file

Exporting to GCC Failes - 'cause linker file is missing:

Makefile: LINKER_SCRIPT = None

How do I have to correct this? Or can you correct this in the export function?

Board: Freedom MKL25 Program: Just new project.

1 Answer

10 years, 11 months ago.

Hello Michael H.,

have you read this : http://mbed.org/questions/2315/BUG-Exporting-to-ARM-GCC-does-not-work-n/ ??

Update the mbed library to the newest revision, then it works . Tested a minute ago.

Regards, 0xc0170

Accepted Answer

Sorry, for the stupid question: But how do I update the lib? What I did: Yesterday I created a new project and exported it. I expected to have a already updated lib. But that is obviously wrong... I apprechiate your support!

posted by Michael H. 18 Jan 2014

This should explain it https://mbed.org/blog/entry/Compiler-Update-Version-Control/. There's revision on the top bar. Firstly, click on the mbed (library in your example), click on revision and then just switch to the newest revision of mbed lib for your board.

posted by Martin Kojtal 18 Jan 2014

Problem solved! Thanks for your kind support!

posted by Michael H. 18 Jan 2014