11 years ago.

LPCxpresso and mbed CMSIS-DAP?

Hi there,

It is possible to debug programs running on a LPC4088 QSB from within LPCxpresso without an additional debug device. In fact, there is a video by EA showing that:


(at about 4:50 and later at 6:00 into the clip). So I've exported a program from the mbed compiler and tried to debug that but unlike in the clip my QSB is not recognized as "Redlink Server / mbed CMSIS-DAP" as it should. What am I missing here? I expected CMSIS to be present in the QSB by default? Do I have to enable it somehow? Flash it?

Thanks, Christoph

Oh, b.t.w.: when compiling programs that were exported from mbed into LPCxpresso I got lots of linker errors saying something was using "VFP register arguments" and something else wasn't. Under "properties/C/C++ Build/Settings" in Eclipse I made sure that in each "Target"-section "FPv4-SP (Soft ABI)" was selected as the floating point mode. After that it compiled... I think I read something somewhere that "Hard ABI" is not supported right now. Well, whatever ;)

Question relating to:

The mbed-enabled LPC4088 QuickStart Board from Embedded Artists is a easy to use ARM Cortex-M4 rapid prototyping board in a standard through hole DIP package (44-pin), targeted at high-performance as …

Yes, you should be able to debug programs using the CMSIS-DAP interface on the mbed board just as shown in the video. It has been tested on a Windows PC. Are you running Windows?

Can you see the mbed drive when connecting the LPC4088 board to your computer? Do you get printf outputs if connecting a terminal application to the virtual com port?

posted by EmbeddedArtists AB 31 Jan 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 11 months ago.

Yes, I'm using Windows 7 Pro. And I've got LPCXpresso Full License/256k running. As I said: I can compile the code I've exported from mbed but when I start debugging my LPC4088 (on the Quick start board) is not recognized:


B.t.w.: I don't remember having installed any drivers for the emulator - has that got to do with my problem?

When I plug in my device all I can find in the device manager is the mbed drive, no additional USB device...



Oookay. So I should have posted this as a comment, not an answer ;) Next time ...


posted by Christoph Klein 31 Jan 2014


install mbed serial driver, which contains needed drivers. Let us know the outcome.


posted by Martin Kojtal 31 Jan 2014


Redlink Server is now recognized. And I can debug a simple "blinky" type program. When trying to debug a converted program for using an ePaper display (app_epaper) the program is loaded but the server crashes when I try to step through the program. But that might well be code related, don't know, really.

Thanks a lot!


posted by Christoph Klein 31 Jan 2014