11 years, 11 months ago.

the mbed cannot read this code to pause the output of a sinewave circuit.

please all, this code is written to pause the output of a sinewave circuit using the mbed.

the code is successful after compiled but the mbed is not seeing the waveform sent into it.

Please help me check the code below, if there is anything i can do to make the mbed read the waveform.

link /media/uploads/UniLeedsElec34/mbed.docx

or check below

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. define TRUE 1
  3. define FALSE 0 AnalogIn sinewaveinput(p17); DigitalIn mybutton(p9); AnalogOut oscilloscopeinput(p18); int main() { mybutton.mode(PullUp); wait(0.2); while(1) { if(sinewaveinput.read()) { sinewaveinput.read(); oscilloscopeinput=v; if(mybutton == 1) { wait(200); } oscilloscopeinput.write(sinewaveinput); } } }

Thanks, you response is needed please.

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