10 years, 7 months ago.


Is there any way possible to have the mbed LPC1768 to turn on and off with out an external circuit controlling the incoming power from a battery. For my project I am looking for a way to have the mbed to turn on and off to save the battery life of my. I don't have any code started for this or even know if this is possible.

2 Answers

10 years, 7 months ago.

I have a similar need for a different reason - when doing Internet of Things - I may need to install and run a new program. One thought I had was along the lines of having a piece of code - method - that could be called on demand (RPC) and would do something to trigger a reset - which would force a reload of the latest code.

10 years, 7 months ago.

@Dean, The LPC1768 can go into sleep mode, have a look at: http://mbed.org/users/no2chem/notebook/mbed-power-controlconsumption/. However it stays very power hungry. If you want a low power solution you will need either an LPC11u24, since that one you can power only the host microcontroller instead of the entire PCB, or you need to make your own PCB designed for low power consumption.

@Avnish, since commenting is broken for me also via this answer, your question is completely different and pretty much unrelated. But have a look at: http://mbed.org/users/shintamainjp/notebook/firmwareupdater_en/. You might want to do it different, but the basic method will stay the same: Write new file to local file system, trigger a reset.