11 years, 3 months ago.

No Serial connection with Tera Term


I just downloaded Tera Term to my computer and I am trying to set my "new connection" to serial for the mbed serial port. However, the serial option is grayed out. I tried updating the firmware on the mbed but it hasn't helped... I also tried updating the driver in the device manager. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

11 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Guys,

I had my Tera-Term working ok before have done backup in my machine and now I have download it again but is not recognizing Serial Port, option button is disable. I went through all the option in the menu bar and was not able to enable it so could select the right serial COM.

I really appreciate if anyone could help.

Many thanks in advance

Have you re-installed the mbeds serial drivers? (See Ney Palma's links).

posted by Erik - 18 Dec 2013
11 years, 3 months ago.

Hi, April have you following the instructions available here:
