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11 years, 2 months ago.
Issues with keil
Hi, i'm trying to debug using keil, however I am running into this issue when trying to load anything to the mbed..
No Algorithm found for: 00000000H - 00000837H Programming skipped! Error: Flash Download failed - "Cortex-M3"
why? thanks!
I was using KIEL version 5, reverted to 4.72 and it's working fine :)
3 Answers
10 years, 10 months ago.
download the algorithm for lpc17xx 512kb from keil website then put it in \keil\arm\flash restart the program and new algorithm will apear choice it and it will work
11 years, 2 months ago.
Ok that helped, before there was nothing, now im downloading it to the 128k RAM, however, i'm still getting an error.
"Flash timeout. reset the target and try it again"
Here is a picture
I forgot to say which algorithm is for the mbed board. You should have stated anyway what's your target!
Use the same as it's on the picture
Does this work for you?
posted by 18 Oct 201311 years, 2 months ago.
its because it's version 5. there is no algoritme for programming. use the old version 4 insted. The new version isnt official released.
how did you generate that project? seems like flash algorithm is empty for your project. Can verify if you open project properties, the last tab is Utilities. There's CMSIS-DAP, next to it it's Settings. In the new windew there's Flash Download them, this tab shows algorithm used for your project.
posted by Martin Kojtal 17 Oct 2013