11 years, 2 months ago.

9Dof razor imu?

Do someone knows how to configure it and be able to read the data with the lpc1768?

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10736 "open a terminal program to 57600bps "

From the board you can see that it uses RS232 compatible pins. Sure lpc1768 have a serial port, so connect 9dof to that and use Serial class to communicate with 9dof.

Here is the menu based protocol of the demo firmaware of 9dof. https://github.com/a1ronzo/SparkFun-9DOF-Razor-IMU-Test-Firmware/blob/master/main.c

So if you want to use this protocol, you have to emulate menu driven ui with your code in lpc1768.

9Dof is a very complicated and expensive device compared lsm303dm that you can get for 20 usd. If you really need a gyromodule that adds another 20 usd. Tilt compesated compass does not need a gryo.

Accepted Answer

I already have it :S

posted by J Daniel Martinez C 15 Oct 2013

I will try it ty.

posted by J Daniel Martinez C 15 Oct 2013