10 years, 9 months ago.

Mbed Websocket Server - [your_channel]?

My question is how do you create 'your channel'?

Is it as simple as using your username for example?

I took this code from the App Board Hands On Demo Page:

Websocket ws("ws:sockets.mbed.org:443/ws/app-board/wo");

Is the channel in this example 'app-board'?

I haven't tried using the Websocket yet, I just want to be clear as what to do before I try it and a working step by step example would be useful. Below are the instructions on the website:

How to begin?

Replace in the url below [your_channel] by your own channel and paste it in your browser:



2 Answers

10 years, 9 months ago.

Hello Paul Smith,

your channel will be :

Websocket ws("ws://sockets.mbed.org/ws/xnor/wo");

This will be the link for websocket server: http://sockets.mbed.org/xnor/viewer


Accepted Answer
Paul Smith
10 years, 9 months ago.

Hello Martin, thanks for your answer, this now makes sense. Best regards Paul.