11 years, 5 months ago.

I would like to work in a debug mode and get a progam to compile with the mbed NXP LPC1768 card

Dear all,

I would like to work in a debug mode with the card. So I mean, is it possible to program the card and to execute the program line by line, in order to have an access to all the variables of the program in real time?

I have also another question: Is it possible to download a program in order to program the device (by compiling to get the .bin file) without the need to get an internet connexion in order to go to the compiler of this website?

Thank yo in advance for your answers,


1 Answer

11 years, 5 months ago.

The mbed interface chip doubles as a CMSIS-DAP debugger, so stepping through your code is indeed possible. You just need to download the free version of Keil µVision 4 and export your project to it. See here for more details: http://mbed.org/handbook/CMSIS-DAP-MDK

Also, once you've exported your project to Keil you'll be able to work offline. The free version has a 32KB limit, but if you're targeting the LPC11U24 mbed it only has 32KB of flash anyway!

Thank you very much for your answer. But I'm using the mbed NXP LPC1768 card, so I've 512ko of flash memory and for my application, I need more than 32KB. Is there any possibility to program more than 32KB by using this kind of program?

posted by Quentin Vinckier 18 Sep 2013

Absolutely, but you'll have to buy a license and it's very expensive. I think µVision 4 is the only officially supported tool chain right now, but CMSIS-DAP is an ARM standard so you should be able to get it to work on others. You'll just be on your own.

posted by Neil Thiessen 18 Sep 2013