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11 years, 6 months ago.
reading MISO pin of Mbed while using SPI?
I want to use mbed with cc2500 transceivers. I have got a library from arduino and i am trying to port it to mbed. the point where i am stuck is how can i use the SPI pins individually as in case of Arduino. I need to wait for MISO pin no get Low how can i do that in mbed??
Thank you
1 Answer
11 years, 6 months ago.
In case the SPI library does not support what you need to check the MISO level it should still be possible to connect another mbed pin to the same MISO line and read the pin as DigitalIn.
Hello Syed Aftab,
can you specify why MISO should be low? What's the scenario? Share a cc2500 code you are going to port, that could be sufficient.
posted by Martin Kojtal 08 Sep 2013wait for device while (digitalRead(m_pinMISO) == HIGH) The device need some stabling time as the clock is set to low we have to wait for MISO pin to get LOW and write day afterwards. i want the equivalent of the statement above for mbed . Thanks
posted by Syed Aftab 08 Sep 2013This question was asked here previously:
posted by Martin Kojtal 08 Sep 2013