11 years, 4 months ago.

how to store the exact time with the sensor value


i am reading values from some sensors for my project. what i want to do is to store the sensor value with the time (system time) it is received?

like for example

i get a value of 1 at p6 at 4:00 p.m. etc

is there any way to do that?? in other words how can access my system time or any other time based utility to get the time?

1 Answer

11 years, 4 months ago.

just use time_t sec = time(NULL); char timestr[32]; sec = time(NULL);

strftime(timestr, 32, "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", localtime(&sec));

Accepted Answer

Thank you for your help

But using this approach it gives me the date way back of 1970(the 0 time as they call it ) ? i think i should have to set the time first using the mktime function ?? is it ?

is there no other way in which i do not have to set the time initially ??

posted by Syed Aftab 30 Aug 2013

If you don't do anything special with it, it will indeed start at zero.

Options: Manually set the time everytime (see also: http://mbed.org/handbook/Time?action=view&revision=11592).

Set the time once and make sure the RTC is always powered.

Use an internet time server or a radio time receiver to set the time automatically.

Use the buildtime to set the time, see: http://mbed.org/questions/1428/__TIME__-not-always-changing-with-a-new-/, downside of course is that it isn't exactly accurate, especially once resetted after a while.

posted by Erik - 30 Aug 2013