11 years, 1 month ago.

kl25z and pinouts text lcd

hello , i am a new user the this platfform and purchase freescale kl25z develompment board i need connect 2x16 text lcd based hd44780 in parallel mode, i see , this pin name in different with the existing mbed plattform. my question is: how modify the library?

Thank you Fernando Rosario, Argentine

pd: excuse me . my english is very basic...jajaja

2 Answers

11 years, 1 month ago.

See: http://mbed.org/cookbook/Text-LCD-Enhanced

There also are pinouts mentioned + example code (a bit more to the bottom). That library uses it is in 4-bit mode instead of full parallel 8-bit mode. However there is pretty much no advantage to using it in 8-bit mode, and it costs more pins.

11 years, 1 month ago.

Hi Fernando,

you can use use the LCD with the KL25Z without changing the actual TextLCD library code. All it takes is to select the appropriate pins for the connection between the KL25Z and the LCD, then wire the KL25Z and the LCD according to your selected pins and use those pinnames in the declaration of the LCD object.

The KL25Z pinnames are here https://mbed.org/handbook/Pinouts.

For example:

TextLCD lcd(PTA13, PTD5, PTD0, PTD1, PTD2, PTD3, TextLCD::LCD16x2); // RS, E, D4-D7

In the answer above Eric provide the link to where you can find more information about the enhanced LCD library.