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11 years, 4 months ago. This question has been closed. Reason: Solved the problem myself.
RN-XV WiFly AUTH-ERR Problem
I am experiencing problems with getting my WiFly to connect to my wireless network. I am using the mbed application board with the LPC1768 and RN-XV rev 3. I am using the Hello World with a wifly module here with debug on.
Debug output is as follows:
[Wifly : DBG]will send: $$$
[Wifly : DBG]check: CMD
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set w j 0
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set u m 1
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set c t 30
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set c s 1024
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set s i 0x40
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set c r 0
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set i p 2
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set i f 0x7
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set d n
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set i d 1
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set w s MY_SSID_GOES_HERE
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set w a 4
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: set w p MY_PASSWORD_GOES_HERE
[Wifly : DBG]check: AOK
[Wifly : DBG]will send: join
[Wifly : DBG]check: Auto-Assoc MY_SSID_GOES_HERE chan=11 mode=MIXED SCAN OK<4.00> Disconn from MY_SSID_GOES_HERE, AUTH-ERRJoining MY_SSID_GOES_HERE now..
[Wifly : ERR]sendCommand: cannot join
[Wifly : DBG]will send: exit
[Wifly : DBG]check: EXIT
I assume I have inserted the WiFly object correctly (WiflyInterface wifly(p9, p10, p30, p29, "MY_SSID_GOES_HERE", "MY_PASSWORD_GOES_HERE", WPA);) as I am observing the above.
I have tried the following:
1. Increase the Increase timeout from 500 ms to 1000 ms as suggested here
2. Tried the various authentication modes; WPA1, Mixed WPA1 & WPA2-PSK, and WPA2-PSK. Here are my wireless security settings.
3. Tried another wireless network.
Any assistance would be sincerely appreciated.
P.S. I have successfully used Configure wifly module to achieve a connection but still don't understand why the "Hello World with a wifly module" example didn't work for me.
P.P.S. It works now! I did a factory reset of the WiFly module settings and saved them. The example program now works. I can only think that my fiddling around had resulted in incorrect settings in the WiFly module.