11 years, 4 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: The problem seems to have gone away.

[betamode] Compiler hangs forever on "initializing"

I seem to be having some problems with the beta compiler- it hangs forever on the "initialising" window, then throws me a download (but the initialising thing doesn't go away), and if I hit "cancel" then the compile button is forever depressed. At least until I reload the page.

This is with $LATEST Safari on OSX.


It's confusing whether you mean the Online Compiler initialization screen (gray background) or the code compile dialog.

Assuming that you mean the compile dialog - have you tried opening it with different browser? Do you have any browser plugins installed?

Currently there is no public beta, meaning that the live Compiler is being served even if betamode is enabled.


posted by -deleted- 12 Aug 2013

1 Answer

11 years, 4 months ago.

The problem seems to have gone away now. I meant the code compile dialogue was hanging on "Initializing".