11 years, 7 months ago.

how to use mbed with IR TX/RX


I want to use Mbed for my project. Actually what i have to do is to get codes from any IR remote control (AC remote in my case). and transmit these codes using mbed via IR transmitter. I need help how to get codes from the remote and transfer it. I am using the simple 3pin IR receiver , and IR transmitter LED.

can anyone direct me to something useful ?

Thank You

2 Answers

11 years, 7 months ago.

Last time I pointed you to this page: http://mbed.org/cookbook/IR. With that you should be able to read the IR data, and then transmit it.

Accepted Answer
Syed Aftab
11 years, 7 months ago.

thanks Eric again ....is there any example where i can send a data like A,B, or C and receive and decode it at the receiver ? i have looked at the example it takes codes from IR remote and transmit them again but it does not work for my ACSON AC remote . :( it works with sony but it displays the codes 2wice or even three times sometimes .

I am not familiar with the library myself. It could display it multiple times simply because your remote sends it multiple times.

Regarding your ACSON remote, I guess its protocol isn't supported. You can search for other IR remote libraries, maybe they support it. Otherwise you will have to program it yourself probably. Possibly there is arduino code for it that you can port to mbed.

posted by Erik - 04 Aug 2013