11 years, 1 month ago.

default sample program missing resource on Frescale KL25Z architecture

Hi there,

I's my first time on this website (today I heared about it, and I'm pocking around).

I have a Freescale Freedom dev board and found this site to be very interesting in building small samples, however...

I've simply followed the "dumb way" choosing the simplest sample program, aded the architecture and compiled, it ended in this comililation error. Surprised as it should have worked...

Getting error message:

"Cannot open source input file "cmsis.h": No such file or directory" in file "extras/mbed_078e4b97a13ePinNames.h", Line: 10, Col: 1

Obiviously a missing file, not big deal (fantastic feature the "Fix it" button) however none of the modules in the list aren't related to this error.

Looking at the error message I and assume that the cmsis.h is architecturaly dependent for KL25Z and since the board is supported, kind of expected the file to be inserted in the project when I've selected it (the architecture).

My question is this: is this module available already in there somewhere or I'll need code it?


To me this looks like a defect in the mbed as it should pull the right dependencies for the target system once selected.

Second, this one really needs fixing as it looks bad when the simplest sample program can't compile. I'm a veteran in this s.. tuff so no problem, but there may be some kids starting to look into it, and theyt'll get very fast disappointed the way it works right now for KL25Z...

Again I'm new in this house so I don't know the rules are, happy to help if that's how it goes, or wait for an answer otherwise.

Thank you for your help,

Bellow is a screenshot of my workspace.



Please try to import sample programs from the following site.

posted by Yoshi Mimura 04 Aug 2013

Thanks Yoshi , I've tried the first program from your link and works just fine.

posted by Romeo Lupascu 04 Aug 2013

1 Answer

11 years, 1 month ago.

I just checked it both in and out of beta mode, worked for me. Question, where did you get the program from? Did you import it from the website, or simply from creating a new program, where that code is the default you get?

The most likely problem I can think of is that you imported it from somewhere, and that it is an old program, before KL25Z support was added. Easiest then just to delete it and create a new program, it will give the HelloWorld program with the latest library. Or click on the mbed library, and click the update button.

Accepted Answer

How to reproduce: 1. go to http://mbed.org 2. navigate to https://mbed.org/handbook/mbed-SDK by clicking on "Gettingn Started" + "mbed SDK" 3. in the mbed SDK ckick on import button of the HelloWorld example 4. click on default imports popup (keep whaterver is default) 5. select the target platform "Freescale KL25Z" from the top right corner 6. run "Compile all" from the main menu 7. Verify the error list at the bottom of the screen I've just reproduced this sequence it right now again, this is a reproducible issue. I'll try your sugestion, however if I got trapped in this sequence others may to. I hope it helps since, as reporting defects and building test cases is not (yet) in my plan for this site.

posted by Romeo Lupascu 04 Aug 2013

You are indeed correct, the HelloWorld program linked there is an old one. The intended place to getting started with the KL25Z is: http://mbed.org/handbook/mbed-FRDM-KL25Z-Getting-Started. But you are of course correct that if you got there, others can get there too. Never a good first impression if it immediatly refuses to compile ;).

Hopefully mbed staff updates it.

posted by Erik - 04 Aug 2013

You are welcome. I think this website holds a lot of good indeas and it deserves atention. At this moment I'm only evaluating the pros and cons on using online development tools. It seem an excellent place to warm up your feet with a new architecture or development board. It seem to also be a good place for beginners (imaptient ones) to get a boost in this field. So, I'll be continuing evaluating and send more feedback. Thanks for the quick response.

posted by Romeo Lupascu 06 Aug 2013