10 years, 12 months ago.

Looking for new IDE

Hi all,

can you help me find new ID for work. It should be, an opensource. I'm working on win7 machine. With mcu like NXP,ST,Atmel(v7,M0,M3,M4). Today i'm using Keil and uVision, but i need alternative. I must figure it out what IDE, compiler and debugger to use.

I'm tried to use NetBeans with yagarto but some issues had occured (with makefile). (if you have some exp. with this combination please share with me)

I'm looking for modern IDE with all stuff like code completion (intelisense) etc.. and not so hard to set up.

Please share with me what are you using. my interesting is in everythink IDE compiler debugger etc...

Thanks a lot...

Best regards AT

4 Answers

10 years, 12 months ago.

Have you looked into code red technologies? NXP just bought them so they will stop support for other non-NXP devices but their current version support it. It is not open source but it is low cost especially if you stick with NXP.


There is also Mentor graphics compiler you can use with IDEs like Eclipse. They have a free version.

10 years, 12 months ago.

I'm using the GCC toolchain with Code::Blocks as IDE. In combination with GDB I can use this to debug targets from my IDE.

I'm using this setup for EnergyMicro, STM32F0 and STM32F3 targets. I've described the process to get it going for the F0 in this blog post: http://www.hackvandedam.nl/blog/?p=707

This way I'm working completely open source and cross-platform (using this both on Linux and windows). It can be quite a hassle to set up new targets though. After having completed that track a few times it takes me a few hours for every new ARM architecture now.

10 years, 12 months ago.

Some mbed users have been able to get GCC and Eclipse working.


I am also voting for GCC and eclipse. I am debugging KL25Z in eclipse with GCC . I have to summarize how to do it and I'll share a guide, it's kind of trivial though :)

I'll test also CodeBlocks later.

Regards, 0xc0107

posted by Martin Kojtal 30 Jul 2013
10 years, 12 months ago.

You may want to check out CooCox IDE: it is aimed at ARM Cortex (NXP, ST, Atmel etc), GCC and Eclipse based, uses wizards, supports debugging and is free. The toolset is actively supported through a forum, blogs etc. The tool only runs on windows and as far as I can tell it does need some improvements to really support C++.