11 years, 2 months ago.

Problem exporting to Code_Red Red suite


I am using the MBED-LPC1768.
I have exported the program on July 24.
It was not possible to build a program that has been exported to Red_Suite for the program online compiler.
Same result in the "new created program".

I have been successful in the program that was exported to the 10th July.

The difference.

-July 10

  • 1. Size of the zip file : 160kb
  • 2. Contents of mbed folder in the zip file : only LPC1768 folder

-july 24

  • 1. Size of the zip file : 560kb
  • 2. Contents of mbed folder in the zip file : KL25Z,LPC11U24,LPC2368,LPC812,LPC1768 folder

Common Items

  • Compiler : nomal mode ( not beta-mode)

2 Answers

11 years, 2 months ago.

Hello sh koyoma,

We have updated the exporters so you should be able to successfully export now.



Accepted Answer
sh koyama
11 years, 2 months ago.

Hello Stephen Paulger,

Thanks for the quick response.
It was confirmed that to export the program, I was able to build successfully on XpressoIDE.

I'm so happy.
Thank you all!
