11 years, 5 months ago.

Powerdown firmware & inactive USB device

I installed the experimental semihost_powerdown firmware. Initially my mbed drive showed up as per usual. After uploading some code that contained the power down instructions my device no longer shows as a usb flash drive. I am therefore unable to upload a new binary or firmware. I attempted to put my LPC1768 into ISP mode, but this did not work. Power-cycling and resetting also did not resolve the issue. Is there anything else I can try?

2 Answers

11 years, 5 months ago.

With resetting, do you mean holding reset while plugging it into your computer, and keep holding reset? That should prevent the LPC1768 from being able to send a powerdown message to the bootloader IC.

Accepted Answer
11 years, 5 months ago.

Holding reset while plugging the LPC1768 into my computer solved the problem. Thanks for your quick and helpful response.