11 years, 1 month ago.

Local File System on Custom PCB

Hi All,

Is it possible to use local file system on custom design PCB?

In LocalFileSystem-Handbook, it says that:

"The LocalFileSystem actually accesses the mbed USB disk by making "semihosting" calls to the mbed Interface, which does the actual accesses on behalf of your program. This means the "filesystem" in this case is running on the interface. The underlying mechanism is the interface acting like a debugger, and the "semihost" calls are effectively breakpoints that the interface spots and does the requested operation."

So, it seems that it is not possible without mbed interface and flash chip(AT45DB161D). Is it true?

If it is true there is another question, are there any possibility to reach mbed interface in small volume(25 pieces etc.).

1 Answer

11 years, 1 month ago.

The interface chip is quite an expensive part and is overkill if you just want some storage.

Depending on your application you might prefer to use an SD card with SDFileSystem or some SPI flash such as AT45 (though there are many others).

I would probably use the SDFileSystem, as it's likely to be the cheapest option and it's been used by many mbed users.

Accepted Answer

Yes it sounds the best option to use SDFileSystem. Beside this, it is so easy to use drag&drop files to the flash in a second without moving SD Card etc. Also, I have just wondered is it possible to order mbed interface or not?

posted by Bora YILDIZ 22 May 2013

It is not possible, the HDK will likely mean it never will be and the HDK doesn't support LocalFileSystem.

posted by Stephen Paulger 22 May 2013