10 years, 12 months ago.

space vector pwm ??

i am wondering by using lpc 1768 , weather i can implement space vector technique for generating PWM signal ?? is it possible in LPC 1768 ???

1 Answer

10 years, 10 months ago.

The LPC 1768 has the ability to produce 3 phase motor PWM (probably space vector..) the problem is that the LEDs are on these outputs. I'm assuming that because the Quadrature encoder inputs are used by one of the ic's on the mbed (ethernet i think) that they decided not to support motor control on the PWM pins of the mbed..

check the datasheet and pin map of the lpc1768 for the mbed: http://mbed.org/users/fraserphillips/notebook/mbed-gpio-pin-table/
