11 years, 2 months ago.

DS1820 library

when i try to compile the program errors comeup for example (" Undefined symbol DS1820::search_ROM() (referred from main.cpp.LPC1768.o)." in file "/" .......) how can i fixe this

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

For some reason the entire .cpp file for the DS1820 library is empty. Solutions:

Either remove the library from the program and pick another one (like this one: https://mbed.org/users/yoonghm/code/DS1820/, others should work too, just not the most imported one).

Or click on the DS1820 library in the program in your compiler window, revisions, revert to previous revision.

In both cases it compiles again, if it actually does the correct thing is not something I can check :)

Accepted Answer

thank you a lot you are my savior .this problem was bothering me a lot but now finally I fixed it.

posted by nizar bakier 17 May 2013