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11 years, 10 months ago.
Printing to PuTTY window on Linux Mint OS
Ladies and Gents,
I currently have a Linux Mint OS and I have my LPC1768 board connected via USB.
When I do 'ls /dev/ttyACM*', I get
When I run PuTTY, I have to run it with sudo. I set up my connection as /dev/ttyACM0, baud=9600, data_bits=8, stop_bits=1, parity=1, Flow_control=XON/XOFF (as opposed to RTS/CTS).
The screen comes up blank and holds expected. When I run a simple "hello world" binary on the board, I see no output, just a blinking LED.
The code example is...
- include "mbed.h"
Serial pc(p9, p10); DigitalOut led(LED1);
int main() { pc.baud(9600);
while(1) { pc.putc('m');
led = 1; wait(0.5);
pc.printf("Hello World");
led = 0; wait(0.5); } }
Why do you suppose I can't see the "Hello World" text coming across the PuTTY???
Your help is much appreciated.
1 Answer
11 years, 9 months ago.
I use PuTTY on Windows to read the MBED serial and I have set Parity to "None". Otherwise the same (apart from the serial port of course).
I have Linux Mint on my laptop at home. Later on, I will install PuTTY on that and try it there!