BlueBoard is a cost effective prototyping solution. It is a ready-to-run development platform with code snippets to demonstrate applications for every feature supported on the board. The Blue Board offers ubiquitous interfaces making it the best board available for the offered price.
For more information see : BlueBoard-LPC11U24 Homepage
The LPC11U24, a NXP ARM CORTEX-M0 microcontroller is a USB 2.0 full-speed device controller, has 32KB of internal flash, 8+2 KB SRAM and 4KB EEPROM. The LPC11U24 operates at CPU frequencies of up to 50MHz. In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) via on-chip bootloader software. The peripheral complement of the LPC11U24 includes, one Fast-mode Plus I2C-bus interface, one RS-485/EIA-485 USART with support for synchronous mode and smart card interface, two SSP interfaces, four general purpose counter/timers, a 10-bit ADC, and upto 40 general purpose I/O pins.
Following are the salient features of the board :
- Dimensions: 110mm X 110mm
- Two layer PCB (FR-4 material)
- Power: DC 6.5V with power LED On-board linear regulators generate +3.3V/500mA and +5V/500mA from power supply USB connector (as alternate power source)
- 10 pin, 20 pin CORTEX debug connector for SWD (Serial Wire Debug)
- ISP, Wakeup, External Interrupt and reset switch
- 12.0000 MHz crystal for MCU, 32Khz crystal for RTC
- Extension headers for all microcontroller pins
- RS232 connector, PS2 connector, Micro SD/MMC card connector, USB type-B mini connector with link-LED
- 64 x 128 graphical LCD with Backlight control
- High accuracy external RTC connected on I2C bus
- RTC battery holder
- 10K pot for ADC